Paige Sochovka, IBCLC
Infant Feeding & Lactation Services
About Me
I am an Air Force wife local to Moody
AFB and Valdosta, GA. I have two very
sweet boys and a baby girl. I became a
mom at a young age, nine years ago. It
was my own breastfeeding struggles
that led me to lactation. I reached out
for help through my OBGYN,
pediatrician, WIC and no one had any
lactation training to actually address
my problems. I was so lost and felt
completely isolated with no solutions
with my oldest. That was not okay for
me then, and it is not okay for you now.
I decided then, this needed to change and I would be the one to do it.
I have been in the lactation field since 2016 and became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2021. I have now had two successful lactation practices, one was in Germany and now here in Georgia. I have supported hundreds if not a few thousand families through the years from all walks of life.
Being a lactation consultant was never just a job, it has always been a calling of my heart to make a difference for mothers. To share in their joy and hold their hand every step of the way.

I understand the different complexities and
struggles that families are going through.
My goal in all that I do is for you to
meet your goals, whatever that looks
like for you.
I prioritize function and comfort above
all else in my practice. I give you solutions
specifically for your individual issues that is manageable for you.
I consider myself to be a full service infant feeding specialist. No matter your issue I am happy to support you with an in home or virtual consultation. Some of the most common things I cover are:
Latch support
Reducing breastfeeding pain or damage
Supply management (too much or too little)
Exclusive pumping
Flange sizing
Formula use or supplementation
Bottle feeding
Bottle refusal
Breast refusal
Tongue and lip tie management
Slow or low infant weight gain
Weighted feeds
Going back to work
Selecting a breast pump
Prenatal education
Paige's Approach
Tongue Tie Symposium






Breasfeeding and allergies